Archive for the Uncategorized Category

Blog Pollution

Posted in Uncategorized with tags on November 26, 2007 by useimaginations

Okay, my girlfriend found this, and it’s pretty much one of the most amazing things ever.

Interactive Video Wall

It’s really whatsup. It’s like that movie minority report, except real. Sooo what’s going on let’s see Thanksgiving was, and historically always has been, an awesome holiday. If you’re not cooking, it’s pretty much perfect. Family, food, relaxing. This year was interesting as I had to work at midnight on Thanksgiving for “Midnight Madness”. I got about 45 minutes of sleep at my girlfriend’s after dinner, then went to work. I was there till 4am, then I drove an hour to another store where I worked 5am til about 10:30 when I went home. I got another 45 minutes of sleep and the headed out to a video shoot I’d been planning for a month. One actor didn’t show up so I had to use my man Femi who was there helping out, and he worked out great. Even though he’d never acted before, he did a great job. We got it done and I’ve been editing for a couple days now and am pretty much finished. It turned out a bit different than I’d imagined, but I’m happy with the end result.

So after that I still couldn’t sleep and I cleaned the hell outta my apartment, which is good cause it’d been awhile. Finally I passed out and slept like a baby. Now it’s back to the routine, work, school, plan the next project. Guitar hero, cartoons, repeat.

han-date-ife (aka “hannah update on her life”)

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , on November 25, 2007 by rabidfangirlism

well, as per usual, i am about three thousand words behind in my novel. however, i am running out of time to finish all those words. NaNo ends on the 30th. D:!

I’ve been at home (the lovely Paramus, NJ, also known as Malltown, North Jersey) for these past few days, mostly being bored out of my mind and missing smoothies. However, I do not have to pay for my food at home (at least… at home) and nor do I have to trek my laundry to the student center. I just throw it down the laundry chute. (yes, we have a laundry chute. Yes, we’ve put people down it.)

I type and realize, from that thing in Professor Tweedie’s class, I’m definitely a quipper. thanksgiving was delicious as per usual, but right now it’s sunday afternoon and i’m just chilling out here and enjoying my own room as oppose to my apartment room. I have very creative walls that took a long time to make. 😀

I dinged 62 on my undead mage on eredar, so soon i’ll be able to hang out with all my other world of warcraft friends on campus. my spec as of now is 11/41/1. I like arcane fortitude – increases my armor by 50% of my intellect – though i’ll probaly spec out of it at 70. also, i need more points in ignite, which causes extra damage over time when i crit on fire spells. my fire crit chance is something like 22%, which is damn awesome. however, i’ve been neglecting RP on my 70 undead warlock, and also neglecting working on Netherwing rep, which i believe i’m at about halfway through revered, probaly a little less, actually. But i’m getting there!

in non world-of-warcraft news, i have to do a paper this week, and then another paper next week. arrggh grr raaah meh frustrated paper noises. but i am probaly playing rock band with lance on tuesday, so go me! 😀

I leave you all with A Softer World.

epic literature e zine

Posted in Uncategorized on November 21, 2007 by howard37

If you have short stories and are searching for peer reviews or exposure then you should submit you work here.

Video shown in class

Posted in Uncategorized on November 21, 2007 by howard37

The video offered some interesting information , a bout just how vital computers are in our lives. I must admit the clip was rather confusing at first. The demonstration was a bit odd. A person could only become a slave to technology , by relying to heavily upon it. This is becoming quite a problem. Years ago during the infamous y2k , everyone was fearful of all the computers crashing. Their fears were unfounded. It is disturbing to see people in such a panic. It gets pretty bad, when the thought of a computer crashing will set people on edge. There are always other means of storing personal data. I often use paper to write down personal information and file it away for safe keeping. People should know that no technology is perfect. Since humans themselves are imperfect. A flawed creator can not create perfection.. Theories are often given on how technology will one day replace human functions . I don’t really see how this could be possible, since it takes a human mind to develop such technology. Unless they are stating that the creation will develop levels of abilities , which are superior to humans. Even then a human must be present to observe the machinery. In the event that there is some sort of malfunction. Howard 37

“The Machine is Us/ing us”

Posted in Uncategorized with tags on November 20, 2007 by bellem18

This clip was a little confusing to follow at first. But within the frist two minutes I was able to catch on and realize the messages and ideas that it was potraying. I thought that this was really interesting to watch and to see how messages were brought out in the video. It was interesting to see the different things that the internet and the computer have to offer. I didn’t realize the amount of things that one can do on the internet and how vital the internet is for communication between people. After watching that a few times, I learned that the computer has brought people, communities, and organizations together in more ways than just blogging or Iming.

My Favorite food

Posted in Uncategorized with tags on November 20, 2007 by bellem18

I know this is really random, but I was really hungry and was thinking about sushi!! Sushi is like my favorite food ever!!! At school my roommates and pledge sisiters usually always go to Samurai because they accept the Boro bucks. It like a weekly tradition and its a fun time to spend together with all my friends. Its sad actually because we all get the same roll every single time; it’s my favorite!!! Inside the roll has spicy tuna, cucumbers, and shrimp tempura and its wrapped in soy paper. I highy recommend it!

haet u, wordzzzzzz

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , on November 19, 2007 by rabidfangirlism

it is 1:45 in the morning. my roommate is asleep. i have five hundred and twenty nine words to write before i go to bed, but i will procrastinate them by writing this blog. i already wrote a really long entry on my life in my livejournal, and i find that this is also a very useful tool for procrastating.

the 529 words are for my nanowrimo novel, by the way. if i whine about writing (as opposed to writing a paper), i will probaly be talking about nanowrimo.


Posted in Uncategorized on November 17, 2007 by howard37

I need help. I`m not sure how to post the link like the teacher did in class. The link just comes up as a regular address . I need  it to come up as a word prompt. Howard37


Posted in Uncategorized on November 17, 2007 by howard37

Here is a link that I considered to be interesting. Howard37

yep, it’s black.

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , on November 16, 2007 by rabidfangirlism

I have a thing against the color white.. (yes, i know, my macbook is white but i didn’t want to give the extra $100 for a black one. i also have a thing against unnecessary spending.*( see below for explanation of the *.)) so i changed the layout to a black once, since i like the color black. yep, it’s true. one look at my jacket, most of my t-shirts, my jeans, my shoes, my backpack, my phone.. it doesn’t lie.

on other notes, i feel I should pimp an international project i’m participating in. it’s called NaNoWriMo, and that stands for National Novel Writing Month. The entire point is that you write 50,000 words (more of a novella) in one month: November. It simmers down to about 1,700 words a day (1,667 to be exact) and then you got it! I’m writing one about a previous character of mine, a test-subject-vampire-turned-slumlord. no kiddin. Caitlin is also doing one, but she’s a slacker and only has about 13,000 words, when you’re supposed to have about 26,000 right now. Hers has something to do with Russia.

You should do it! It’s awesome! GO HERE!!

anyone like the new header?

😀 that is all. Also, I love Guitar Hero

ps: how about using tags, fellow groupmembers?

* = This is a total lie. I love unnecessary spending.