Archive for lee

Blog Pollution

Posted in Uncategorized with tags on November 26, 2007 by useimaginations

Okay, my girlfriend found this, and it’s pretty much one of the most amazing things ever.

Interactive Video Wall

It’s really whatsup. It’s like that movie minority report, except real. Sooo what’s going on let’s see Thanksgiving was, and historically always has been, an awesome holiday. If you’re not cooking, it’s pretty much perfect. Family, food, relaxing. This year was interesting as I had to work at midnight on Thanksgiving for “Midnight Madness”. I got about 45 minutes of sleep at my girlfriend’s after dinner, then went to work. I was there till 4am, then I drove an hour to another store where I worked 5am til about 10:30 when I went home. I got another 45 minutes of sleep and the headed out to a video shoot I’d been planning for a month. One actor didn’t show up so I had to use my man Femi who was there helping out, and he worked out great. Even though he’d never acted before, he did a great job. We got it done and I’ve been editing for a couple days now and am pretty much finished. It turned out a bit different than I’d imagined, but I’m happy with the end result.

So after that I still couldn’t sleep and I cleaned the hell outta my apartment, which is good cause it’d been awhile. Finally I passed out and slept like a baby. Now it’s back to the routine, work, school, plan the next project. Guitar hero, cartoons, repeat.

Week 1 Response

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , on November 9, 2007 by useimaginations

Three of the writing spaces I use most often are digital, pen and ink, and visual or motion picture. Their characteristics for digital media are that it is fast paced(faster than writing analogously), there is a quick peer response, I am able to incorporate many mediums (media?), I.E. pictures, video, format. There is a possibility for many readers, respondents, critiques.
Pen and ink is convenient. It tends to be more “personal”. My handwriting in a free form, away from the structure of word processing, it allows me to “doodle”. I find it very helpful with brainstorming ideas. I can just regurgitate my raw thoughts out, sketch, in any way I feel inspired. This is the most accurate “raw feed” of my brain.
The motion picture is an artistic space; moving pictures allow for viewer interpretation, visual display, picture is worth a thousand words.
What makes them unique is each has its own pros and cons. Pen and ink may be slower than digital, it doesn’t allow me to include pictures ( I cant draw ), but it is fast and very flexible. I can scatter my thoughts throughout the page however I feel inspired to. Typing, web-based writing allows for super-fast publication and larger audience. Using motion pictures as a writing space allows pictures to take the place of words telling a story. In many ways, it is the same as writing. It can be a narrative, poetry, fiction or nonfiction; in every way as flexible as the written word.
Remediation is an interesting concept that I’m not sure I wholly grasp. I believe the remediation between pen and ink and word processing could be the idea that in no way can typewriters ever take the place of handwritten text. That is to say, perhaps the world is leaning toward exclusively typing, but it is important to still have a grasp on the handwritten language. For every new development, there will be an advocate for the importance of its predecessor.